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World's deadliest animal?

Most of us are usually afraid of tigers, sharks, lions etc and consider them to be the deadliest animals on the planet. But none of them are as deadly as Mosquitoes are!

Mosquitoes are responsible for most of the human deaths worldwide. Every year, almost 7 million people meet their demise by a mere mosquito bite. Malaria and Dengue are the diseases responsible for these deaths.

On the 2nd number, most of the humans are killed by humans themselves. Almost 4 million are killed each year by the hands of other humans. Snake bites usually kill 50,000 people annually. Dogs kill 25,000 while sharks and lions kill a mere 100 people each year.


  1. Here is another list of TOP TEN deadliest animals

    Top 10 Deadliest Animals

    1. Good share but according to our figures, Mosquitoes are deadliest :)


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