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Success and Power Nap

power-napSleep has always been the essential part of human growth  but to nap like a pro  there are some very basic stepping stones to follow and grab  that success you always wanted to. 

Sleep + you= Success .... confused ?

Napping can produce cognitive benefits :

  • Increased Alertness 
  • Improved motor skills
  • Perception improvement 
  • Memory consolidation.
  • Improve brain function 
  • Better visual systems, 
  • Improved physical fitness
  • Natural mental recovery System 

 Even caffeine was not able to beat  a 60 to 90 minute daytime nap on various memory tasks with sleep having higher positive effects.So how do you get the best from a brief bit of shuteye?

Output-Oriented Sleep?

According to researchers, the most natural time to take a nap, based on our circadian rhythms, is in the afternoon sometime between 2 and 4pm.But the best way to nap also depends on what kind of effects you're looking for.

Restorative Sleep:

 You should sleep later in the day when you have an increased amount of slow wave sleep.Researchers found that both nocturnal ,short naps and daytime nap improved memory consolidation , helping i to learn tricky-to-remember concepts.Best time is 20 mins eye shut soon after lunch .
Creativity Sleep
You should sleep earlier in the day when you experience more REM. Getting REM sleep also means having to sleep for longer- about 60-90 minutes-as its the last stage of sleep cycle.Thus REM nap can enhance creative problem solving. 
Clearly  getting the  right timing is key to get beneficial sleep.Complicated, higher-level executive tasks right after waking should be avoided.When you wake up your brain needs an hour or two to come fully back online to be more effective at :
 Difficulty level  : HIGH   

Companies Acknowledging.......

Google LogoThe promised benefits of sleep have even persuaded a few firms to allow their employees to nap at work.Companies like HubSpot,Google,Huffington Post,Nationwide Planning Associates  and many more are providing these facilities .Employees are free to book the space without limitations, providing nap facilities to its staff for higher boost productivity .

Gadgets and Apps :

Beneficial Sleep – which is something that new smartphone apps and even intelligent sleep masks are trying to capitalise on.NeuroOn, a smart sleep mask that tracks brain waves and eye
movements to wake you at the optimum time, raised four times its target in a Kickstarter campaign in January, and is due to be released next year. It won’t be the first smart sleep mask to reach the market.  

Soon there will be more effective gadgets to monitor interpret and improve the sleep patterns of variety of people . In fact, there is already some evidence showing that something as simple as two electrodes on the forehead can accurately track sleep.

Ask a professional today about how it’s done cause the kind of sleep you have, is the kind of life you have . 
Stay Pro!!

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