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Powered Alcohol won't hit the stores soon

Powered alcohol a.k.a PALCOHOL would not be available in stores as soon as expected

Social media and print media were hitting news about the powered alcohol a few days back when US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau confirmed about PALCOHOL. The details were also covered by our blog a few days back.

But now a Federal agency has confirmed that the the permission were given but with some errors. So it is expected that the very awaited Powered Alcohol would not be available to the customers as they were expecting. 

The parent company Lipsmark announced that it will resubmit for the approval again.
Earlier this week the company declared in its email that its founder Mark Phillips was travelling and was unavailable for an interview so nothing can be said final. 

But despite of all the hype created by PALCOHOL the company's website has not unveiled any information that how it has created it.

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